"The SciScore Version 3 beta update will bring along a major improvement for our users with an easy to interpret cover page. At a glance they will be able to see where they don’t adhere yet to policy guidelines and we’ve create a brand new statistics module to help researchers to provide the right information on their reporting."

Anita Bandrowski, CEO of SciScore


Analyze your key resources

SciScore helps ensure key resources like antibodies, cell lines, and organisms, are described in enough detail (e.g. vendor names, catalogue numbers, RRIDs, etc.), so that other researchers can try to replicate a studies findings.

Generate an MDAR report fast

Many journals, like Science for instance, currently advise researchers to complete MDAR checklists when submitting their manuscripts. SciScore can produce an MDAR report for your research in under a minute!

Track journal reproducibility with RTI

Using SciScore, the Rigor and Transparency Index (RTI) was created in 2020. It provides information on both the general state of a journal’s rigor & transparency practices, as well as a much more detailed picture.

Frequently Asked Questions

SciScore was designed to be fast and intuitive, please contact us if you need assistance.

General Questions

What will I receive after I submit my methods section?
How can I improve my SciScore?
If I find something wrong with my report, what do I do?
What happens when a journal submits my methods section for me?

Materials, Design, Analysis, Reporting (MDAR)

What is MDAR?
Why would MDAR be relevant for me?
Can I just use SciScore's automatically generated MDAR report?

Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs)

What is an RRID?
Why should I include RRIDs in my research?
Some of my resources don’t have RRIDs. What should I do?

Star Methods Table

What is a STAR methods table?
Can I use the SciScore generated table as is?
STAR methods tables ask for things that SciScore does not return to me, why not?


What is an ORCID?
Why do you need my ORCID?
Can I use SciScore without an ORCID?

Privacy & Security

What do you do with my information?
Do you keep my score private?

SciScore Pricing

Is your journal using Editorial Manager or eJournalPress? Contact us to discuss integrating SciScore into your submission pipeline today!

SciScore gets smarter with every suggestion. We appreciate your feedback.

Please reach out if you are interested in setting up a webinar for your group; we will be happy to facilitate that for you! To communicate with our team, please complete the form below and click submit.